F6 Oversight of Catalyst Circle

Distributed decision making - Oversight of Catalyst Circle

TitleProject Catalyst Fund 6: Distributed decision making


Oversight of Catalyst Circle


Stephen Whitenstall




Alpha Version 1.0

Creative Commons Attribution

Problem statement :

A community maintained oversight of Catalyst Circle requires support to be sustainable.

Describe your solution to the problem

Resource an active site that documents the activities of the Catalyst Circle

Relevant experience (identifying information)

Stephen has 30 years' experience in organizing academic, community and business projects

Website/GitHub repository (not required)

Detailed plan (not required) - Fill in here any additional details

Presentation / tracking

A more readable GitBook version of this proposal can found here.

The text of this proposal is version controlled here and tracked here .

Community Oversight

How can we help the Catalyst community to get better at distributed decision making within the next two Catalyst rounds?

The Catalyst Circle Oversight GitBook documents and tracks the activities of the Catalyst Circle a initiative started by IOHK to advance governance in Project Catalyst. The aim of the Catalyst Circle Oversight GitBook is to improve distributed decision making by making the activities, discussions and decisions of Catalyst Circle accessible to all.

This site is maintained by QA-DAO in collaboration with the Cardano and Project Catalyst communities. All content recorded is open source, licensed under Apache 2.0.

The Catalyst Circle Oversight GitBook has been maintained since July 11th 2021.

Secretary / Facilitator

This proposal is separate from the Catalyst Circle Secretary / Facilitator roles. And does not include any associated costs. All documentation and tracking described in this proposal is independent of Catalyst Circle resources.

Relevant experience

Stephen Whitenstall: Stephen Whitenstall has 30 years' experience in organizing academic, community and business projects. He develops, maintains documentation and provides technical project management support for Catalyst Swarm. As QA-DAO he tracks and documents the Catalyst Circle and maintains 'Ekphrasis' a repository of academic content from across the Cardano community.

A live record of additions to the GitBook

A live record of additions to the GitBook back end GitHub repository can be seen here :

Tracking the time spent on maintaining the GitBook

QA-DAO ( https://stephen-rowan.gitbook.io/quality-assurance-dao/ ) has been tracking the time spent on maintaining the GitBook.

The raw Clockify data to 30th August 2021 can be found here :

A total of 27:40 hours have been spent to the 30th August 2021. Approx 18 hours were spent documenting and tracking in July 2021 and 9 hours in August 2021. More time was spent in July 2021 setting up the GitBook and documenting an extensive problem sensing exercise conducted by Catalyst Circle.

A shift to note-taking on a proprietary platform inhibited documentation and tracking for Circle Meetings 3 and 4. More time may be allocated in September 2021 to resolve this issue. Documented here ( Barriers to tracking and documenting the content of Catalyst Circle Meetings - https://github.com/Catalyst-Swarm/Catalyst-Circle-Co-ordination/issues/20)) and discussed here (https://catalyst-swarm.gitbook.io/catalyst-circle/commentary/commentary-on-catalyst-circle ).

Weekly Breakdown

Week beginningEvent(s)Hours Worked

Monday 12th July 2021


Monday 19th July 2021


Monday 26th July 2021


Monday 2nd August 2021


Monday 9th August 2021


Monday 16th August 2021


Monday 23rd August 2021


Monday 30th August 2021


Total hours to date



Roadmap ( Definition of success after 3, 6 and 12 months)

Prior to funding

Catalyst Circle Version 1 - July 2021 to September 2021

Documentation and tracking can be completed and is live.

3 months

Catalyst Circle Version 2 - October 2021 to December 2021

Catalyst Circle Version 2 roughly coincides with the release of Fund 6 ADA. (November 2022).

Once funded Catalyst Circle Oversight will aim to communicate its documentation and tracking via social media in order to reach a wider audience. Documentation and tracking will be supplemented with commentary. Sponsorships will be sought.

6 months

Catalyst Circle Version 3 - January 2022 to March 2022 (?)

If Catalyst Circle Version 3 proceeds it will roughly coincide with the release of Fund 7 ADA (February 2022).

But this would require a new Fund 7 proposal.

12 months

Catalyst Circle Version 4+ - April 2022 to September 2022 (?)

In the long term any oversight should be self-sustaining and sponsorships will be sought to achieve this aim.


Draft Budget

Given the commitments outlined in the roadmap above it is estimated that 20 hours per month will be spent for 3 months.

A total of 60 hours at $35 an hour = $ 2,100


  • Received emails from communications@iohk.io

  • Submitted this proposal to only one challenge

  • Included identifying information about all proposers

Which of these definitions apply to you? Developer, Teacher, Other/Prefer not to say

Last updated