
What should onboarding aim to achieve ?

Orient newcomers

Orient newcomers - Introducing newcomers to SinguraityNET's mission, values, culture, policies, and procedures. It may include sessions with mentors, tours of the ecosystem, and presentations about the SinguraityNET's history and goals.

Offer ongoing support

Offer ongoing support - Providing ongoing support and guidance to newcomers. This might include where to check-in (Town Halls etc), how to give feedback, and answering any questions or concerns they may have.

Introduce existing members

Introduce existing members - Newcomers should be encouraged to interact and be offered opportunities to establish connections with key community members / ambassadors. This may include introductions, informal events, or mentor programs pairing newcomers with established members.

Set goals and expectations

Set goals and expectations - Opportunities for newcomer contributions should be clearly defined so that they may understand what is expected of them and how their performance will be evaluated.

Support training and development

Support training and development - Training and development opportunities should be signposted to help newcomers gain the knowledge and skills required for fruitful community participation. This may involve educational sessions, mentoring, or online learning modules.

Complete necessary paperwork

Complete necessary paperwork - Newcomers are required to complete necessary paperwork if they wish to participate in task contributions and rewards. This may involve induction to platforms such as Dework etc.

Stephen Whitenstall - drafted with assistance of GPT 3.5

Last updated