
A brief history of QA-DAO

What is Quality Assurance DAO ?

Quality Assurance DAO was founded by Stephen Whitenstall in April 2021 and grew out of a Project Catalyst Fund 5 Proposal

In Fund 5 of Project Catalyst QA-DAO submitted a proposal "Quality Assurance DAO" in the Developer Ecosystem Challenge that sought to encourage open-source collaboration & innovation and to do a QA Assessment of Catalyst Proposal Process itself. This proposal was successful in receiving votes and was funded in August 2021. Governance of the Quality Assurance DAO Fund 5 proposal may be followed here.

QA-DAOs own GitHub Organization is at


QA-DAO designs and maintains documentation in open-source GitHub repositories for the Catalyst Circle, Catalyst Swarm, The Catalyst Alliance and The Catalyst School.

Transparent Governance

QA-DAO reports on and tracks Catalyst Governance experiments such as the Catalyst Circle.


QA-DAO provides support and training for the Project Catalyst community via the Catalyst School.


QA-DAO collates current research in the Cardano ecosystem and original research from the Catalyst community in the Ekphrasis journal.


Cardano Project Catalyst Discord Channel - Fund 5 Proposal

Youtube Channel - Stephen Whitenstall

QA-DAO in the media

Project Catalyst Town Hall #16

July 14th 2021

00:04:17 Presentation by Stephen Whitenstall from Catalyst GitBook Project

Tracking effort and merit in Cardano

11th July 2021

Tracking effort and merit, NFTs, social media, SourceCred and testing it out in The Catalyst Alliance. A detailed summary can be found here .

SourceCred Use, Set-Up and Strategy

5th July 2021

Danielo Ospina (Aragon), Stephen Whitenstall, Tevo, Seomon (Catalyst Swarm) and Tyler Wales (Secret Decks)



This GitBook is a repository of academic content across the wider Cardano community. From IOHK, Project Catalyst and University of Edinburgh as well as many other sources.

It is maintained by under the benevolent dictatorship of Stephen Whitenstall, (Catalyst Swarm/Secret Decks/QA-DAO).

Last updated