
25th November 2021 - KPI Report

Monthly KPIs Progress Report Catalyst - Project Information - Please complete a form for each of your funded projects.


Your Full Name

Stephen Whitenstall

URL for your project (as listed on Ideascale) or your Proposal name.

Proposal name must match your Ideascale proposal title.


In which fund is your project?

If you have more than one funded project, which fund is the project you are reporting on in this form?

  • Fund 6

Developers engaged

How many developers have you engaged in total since the beginning of the project? Numeric value only. This is a general metric for the overall health of the Catalyst ecosystem. If this does not apply to your project, please write 0

  • 0

Products or services

How many products or services has this project generated?

Numeric value only. This is a general metric for the overall health of the Catalyst ecosystem. You might count products and services as: software applications; branded assets; published documentation / content / articles / websites; revenue streams; events held; etc. If this does not apply to your project, please write 0.

  • 0

What you have created

If you have created at least 1 product/service, please describe what you have created.

  • n/a


Tell us about any other collaborations that have happened because of your participation in this project? * This is a general metric for the overall health of the Catalyst ecosystem. If this does not apply to your project please indicate N/A.

  • TBA

What are your project KPIs that you are measuring?

Please list the KPIs you are measuring in your project. For example: example KPI 1: Total Github commits example KPI 2: Month on Month growth or total Number of Transactions example KPI 3: Month on Month growth of Monthly Active Users (MAU) example KPI 4: Anything else are you measuring ?

    1. Screencasts, 2) Workshops, 3) Training Material Documentation

KPI 1 - Screencasts

How are you tracking against KPI 1? Tell us how the project is progressing relative to the KPIs you set at the beginning of the project.

  • Behind on our expectations

KPI 1 - Relevant Data

Please provide us with some relevant data about your performance against KPI 1 Tell us what you have achieved to date in numbers

  • 1

KPI 2 - Workshops

How are you tracking against KPI 2? Tell us how the project is progressing relative to the KPIs you set at the beginning of the project.

  • Behind on our expectations

KPI 2 - Relevant Data

Please provide us with some relevant data about your performance against KPI 1 Tell us what you have achieved to date in numbers

  • 1

KPI 3 - Training Material Documentation

How are you tracking against KPI 2? Tell us how the project is progressing relative to the KPIs you set at the beginning of the project.

  • Behind on our expectations

KPI 3 - Relevant Data

Please provide us with some relevant data about your performance against KPI 1 Tell us what you have achieved to date in numbers

  • 1

About your KPIs

Please tell us a little more about your KPIs and how you are tracking against them - for example are you happy that your KPIs are still relevant/appropriate? * We'd like you to tell us anything else relevant that provides more context about your measurable achievements. If you have more than 4 KPIs please provide detail about any others not captured above.

  • The KPIs refer to the number of screencasts, workshops and documentation delivered


And that's it. Thank you. Before you go, do you have any feedback about how this reporting process has been? We’d like to know any thoughts you have, optional of course.

  • Unable to input 0 in KPI numbers or indicate that project has not started

Last updated